Anmol has a dream...
The magnetic charm of sea always attracts me...something is hidden in its vast territory...I want to explore...I want to discover...
I get into the ocean...completely unaware of the danger...People tell me not to go into sea...It has mysteries... it has hidden monstrous creatures...Life taking disasters could happen....
I feel thrilled...a chunk of fear makes space in my heart...but I am determined...Though there is danger...I know enthralling adventure is awaiting me...I have to unlock hidden secrets of ocean....I ignore people's advice....I take a deep breath...
I dive deep in ocean...I see coral reefs...I see blue fish, orange fish, pink fish...It's amazing...It's beautiful...big fish eating small fish...It's dangerous...I am in a new a completely different world...
I meet a big eight legged octopus...I fight and kill it...I lose my oxygen cylinder...I move to surface of sea...I continuously swim for several days and nights...cross several miles...the blue ocean seems to be limitless...testing my patience, my strength, my determination...
Finally...I see an island to take rest...
A cute girl looks at me...
She moves forward...
She confidently smiles as if she knows me...
She stands infront of me as if she is welcoming me...I want to ask her name...but I know she won't understand my language...
She tries to tell me something with her gestures...I fail to comprehend...She blows a flying kiss...A smile appears on my face...She points to seashore...I turn my head with curiosity to see what she wants to show...
I see a lady watching sunset...I stealthly move towards her...She hears my foot steps...she turns her face for a moment...she immedietly stands up and runs towards sea...I speed up but it's too late...She turns into mermaid and disappears into the vast ocean...
Gasping for breath...I hold back...I control my breath...She's gone...Disappointed I look down....I see her footprint on sand...Ruthless sea waves advance to destroy this last piece of evidence...
Sea waves return back...leaving no trace of footprint...I carefully scan the wet sand and I see a seashell...perhaps this is a gift from mermaid...I pick up the seashell and gently put it in my bag...
I climb up a cliff...I watch the sea engulfing the sun from there...Glimpse of mermaid flashes in my mind...A smile appears on my face...I have her gift with me...To meet her...I'll be back...